
Shipping Policy

What are the delivery charges? provides free delivery in India on all the ordered products if your order amount is Rs. 499 or more.

What is your estimated delivery time?

At, we make all efforts to ship your items as quickly as possible. Once the order is received by us, we aim to process and ship your order within 7-10 business days. For items that are not available at our warehouse, it would take 15 days for the item to be processed and shipped. A unique tracking number will be mailed to you, that you can use to track and check the delivery status of your order.

Can I request delivery on a specified date or time?

We always try our best to deliver your order within 7-10 business days and do not spot delay in our system. If you are looking for any specified delivery date, feel free to contact us at We will do our best to meet your requests.

Can I give special instructions for my order?

Yes, during check-out you can specify instructions, if you have any. You can mention any requirements you have in mind that you want us to note while fulfilling the order.

What is the mode of delivery?

We ship most orders via reputed delivery services for shipping products in India.

Are there any hidden costs?

Our listed price includes all taxes. There is no additional cost involved. However, any local municipal taxes have to be paid by the recipient additionally.

Do you deliver items outside India?

No, we do deliver items outside India.

What about the product packaging?

All products are quality checked and carefully packed by our in-house team in order to avoid any damages.

Incorrect delivery addresses :

Please take a moment to review your shipping information to ensure that there is no delay due to a wrong delivery address. Please contact us at to update your address.

Undeliverable packages :

In rarest of cases, packages are returned as undeliverable. When we ship an item and it is returned due to insufficient address provided, one of our representatives from will contact you to ensure the item is delivered to your address.

At, we endeavor to deliver your order in the quickest time and in the perfect condition. If you have any queries regarding your shipment, please feel free to contact us on